Hi all,
We want to perform Netting in CTM based on Attributes (Characteristics defined in ECC) defined for a Material. Our Forecast for every part is also based on the attribute values of Material (Please note, we are not talking about freely defined attributes in Product Master).
Eg: Material is A,
If Attr 1 value is US --> Forecast is 100
If Attr 1 value is JP --> Forecast is 120
Now, after Supply Planning (preferably CTM) we want Supplies created as follows,
Material A, Attr 1 US --> Supply is 100
Material A, Attr 1 JP --> Supply is 120
Please suggest if CTM can support this and if yes, what is the version to be used etc., to make this happen,
Also, we intend to integrate this system with AFS (ECC) and like to perform netting at Stock Category level. As Stock Category from AFS cannot be sent to SCM(AFS Connectivity with SAP SCM and SAP CRM - Integration with Other Components - SAP Library) we intend to assign it as a characteristic for a material (attribute) and perform netting.
Thanks in advance,