To solve the error KE396 in VI01, please apply SAP note 185044.
After you applied the coding of note 185044, please generate program
RK2LXXXX(XXXX: the operating concern),call up function module 'RKE_GENERATE_INTERFACE_ACT'
in the test environment and execute it for the respective operating concern.
Example: If the operating concern is 'S001', then Program RK2LS001 needs to be generated.
To generate RK2LS001 proceed as follows:
1. Transaction SE37 (Function library access)
2. Function module: 'RKE_GENERATE_INTERFACE_ACT'
3. Press button 'individual test' (F8)4. Enter import parameter ERKRS = 'S001'5. Press button 'execute' (F8)
Best regards,
Ronghua Fan