I was thinking the same thing but doesn't seem to work that way.
I deleted my plant from OPM8.
But there is a default value in the OPM8 table with plant = "*" that can not be deleted.
Delete not possible as entry * contains default values
Message no. 6P701
So I have PIR created via MD61 which created a IndReq VSF element visible in MD04.
I run MD75 with a reorganization date far into the future and the PIR is not being deleted.
I don't see anything listed in the SCN Reorganization of Planned IndependentRequirements-MD74, MD75 & MD76 or OSS 135807: Reorganization of planned independent requirements
that says it will delete future PIR's for positive values. My values are not zero.
If it should work I will raise an OSS message to verify with SAP why it is not working.
Reorganization of Planned IndependentRequirements-MD74, MD75 & MD76
2. Reorganization of schedule lines (Transaction MD75):
The system checks which planned independent requirements were set to zero - either by reduction or consumption or by "requirement adjustment".Schedule lines that have a quantity of zero before key date are deleted from database
And OSS 135807: Reorganization of planned independent requirements (consulting) says:
2. MD75 (RM60RR30): Delete Old Requirements Records:This transaction also consists of two parts:
a) Deletion of all planned independent requirements schedule lines from table PBED which have a planned quantity of zero.If you mark checkbox "Do not delete non-empty withdrawal quantity" on the selection screen, only those schedule lines are deleted of which the planned quantity and simultaneously the withdrawal quantity is zero.
b) Deletion of all item records from table PBIM for which no longer any schedule line records and any history records exist.