I Know if it would be "I"type , it's easier. It's P type with time based disagg K, time based dissagg is based on another KF weekly index which carries a factor to dissagg months to weeks.
The problem is that customer planner forecast is not calculated in a separate KF, and there way to find the proportions CP forecast(in the past) if they have been changed or not.
I did change values at higher level and for week 26 it is aggregating in equal proportions.
I checked the values at lower level and if I take values off aggregate level press enter, it's dissaggregating in equal proportions With 0 value for few skus
The question here is why only for a particular week ie 26.2016 it is putting random values in skus and not in other weeks.
No there is no default macro which repopulate values of stat t/d or revised budg.
thanks vinay