Hello Everyone,
I need suggestion/help on following scenario....
Destination has demand/forecast in two different weeks. (10 Qty One in October 2015 & another 15 Qty in February 2016).
After heuristic at destination location, distribution demand (SNP:Rel.PR in //RRP3) is generating at source location for the above said two weeks.
To convert these SNP:Rel.PR's to SNP planned orders, I'm running heuristic at source location.
After heuristic at source location, the SNP:Rel.PR's are getting converted to SNP planned order but the two quantities are getting clubbed to 25 & only one SNP planned order is generated.
How to make the orders remain individual & not combined.
I checked //MAT1 SNP2 & lot size tab settings. It is lot for lot & no min lot size defined for the product at both of the locations.
Does PP/DS Plg Time Fence/SNP Product Horizon/PP/DS Horizon has influence in combining the orders?
Please suggest.