Hi Experts,
I have read a discussion with a very similar topic , but I just want to know your thoughts and feedback for my scenario.
My scenario is during order creation ( Manually or via MRP heuristics) , the depedent SOS should be selected based on the Finished Good resource.
FG is manufactured on Line 1 and Line 2 with different speeds. We have mapped it as different routings and so we have 2 PDS'es for Line 1 and Line 2. FG needs a component SFG1, this is manufactured on resource H1 and H2.
We are using resource networks to link Line1 --> H1 , and Line 2 --> H2
The requirement is to be able to select SOS for SFG1 depending on the resource selected for FG because of the resource network constraint.
Example :
PDS 1 : with Component SFG1 and manufactured on resource Line 1 speed 3500 lb / 8 hours , Procurement Priority 0
PDS 2 : with Component SFG1 and manufactured on resource Line 2 speed 8000 lb / 8 hours , Procurement Priority 1
PDS 1 : Manufactured on resource H1 speed 3500 Lb / 8 hours , Procurement Priority 0
PDS 2 : Manufactured on resource H1 speed 8000 Lb/ 8 Hours , Procurement Priority 1
Resource Network:
Line 1 --> H1
Line 2 --> H2
If after SNP to PPDS order conversion for FG , one order each is loaded on PDS 1 and PDS 2
Then if I run MRP heuristics for SFG1 , then the dependent SOS should be planned based on the resource selected at Finished Goods so that the resource network is not violated.
I have tried using the Planning Strategy with Mode selection as "Select Any Mode " and "Consider Resource Network" , but the PDS is selected based on the procurement priority.
Please let me know your feedback and thoughts.