I have a subcontracting scenario where I have ciffed the purchase inforecord and the Subcon PDS to SAP APO, the system automatically create the product at the vendor location, which is good.
I´d like to change the values of fields for product master at the vendor location differently from the define at the plant location, is there any user exit or BADI where I can change the logic to update the fields for the product master at the vendor location.
When I change any MRP relevant data at the plant in ECC both product at plant location and product at vendor location are updated with same value.
I tried to use the badi SMOD_APOCF005 which I am already using to update the product at the plant location fields, but looking at the queue generated when I update any MRP relevant field in ECC I only have an entry for the product at the plant location.
How can we update the product at vendor location MRP relevant field that cames from product at plant location MRP data from ECC with different value from the original one?
Thanks and Regards
André Val