and this receipt will be consumed by the requirements.
confirmed quantity =0 and requirement quantity =0 (how do i correlate with that with the above statement )
Well, there is nothing in the display that would indicate that the receipt will be consumed by requirements, but that is typically a good assumption. Beyond that, there is no correlation between your statement above and those two fields you mentioned. They are not directly related to anything in your statement.
when all are plord. then why there is a special mention of the bottom of the screen Would like to know the interpretation from you in this regard as it is intriguing??
You are displaying two different types of planned orders.
There are many different types of planned orders in APO, and they each have different purposes and they each behave differently. The text helps to indicate which type of planned order is being displayed. Here are the 'standard' planned order types which are delivered in SAP APO.
Category | Short Category Text | Category Description | Category Type |
AI | PlOrd. | Planned order (not firmed, unconfirmed) | Receipt |
AJ | PlOrd. (F) | Planned order (firmed, unconfirmed) | Receipt |
AK | PlOrd.(NC) | Planned order (not firmed, confirmed) | Receipt |
AL | PlOrd.(CF) | Planned order (confirmed, firmed) | Receipt |
CQ | QueryPlnd | Query process planned | Receipt |
DE | TP:PL-O(F) | Third-Party Planned Order (Fixed) | Receipt |
EE | SNP:PL-ORD | SNP: Planned order | Receipt |
ES | SNP:PL-ORD | SNP: Planned Order (Subcontracting) | Receipt |
It is also possible to create your own types of planned orders, with their own unique behavior.
Best Regards,