Hi lss,
Slack Time shows the Availability Date / Requirements Date of the closest I/O node that is pegged to the element.
AvailD Categ Element Qty
03.03.2016 PlOrd 12345 5
04.03.2016 PlOrd 12346 5
08.03.2016 Sales Order 98765 10-
If the Sales Order is pegged to both planned orders, Slack Time is 04.03.2016 - Availability Date of the closest receipt pegged to it.
Similarly, Slack Time for both planned orders is 08.03.2016 - Requirements Date of the pegged demand.
- If you do not see Slack Time in GT_IO, this indicates the Sales Order is not pegged to any receipts. You can confirm this by checking whether column Surp/short in the Elements tab shows a shortage.